Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26 Week In Review Now Online

The new WIR can be viewed by clicking here

June 26 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Sea rise faster on East Coast than rest of globe
Commentary: To survive, unions must evolve

Hunger Strikers Target Congress for Starving the Post Office
Lead poisoning 'epidemic' plagues California condors
Veterans Forced to Attend Anti-Union Meetings on Army Base

Irish Farmers Say Shell Oil Operations Bring Injustice, Not Jobs

Palermo’s Pizza Workers Light the Night

OSHA Acts to Protect Fracking Workers from Silica Exposure

Bay Area Sutter Nurses Set Next Strike – July 3

Union leaders have mixed view of Supreme Court ruling on immigration law

Paraguay's Parliamentary Coup and Ottawa's Imperial Response

Biofuels and hunger, two sides of the same coin

Germany Plans to Dispose of Bhopal Toxic Waste

Gas leak from Regina-area storage cavern stopped

CAW joins abortion debate

Transit union leader to put focus on scheduling

Arizona police sound alarm over immigration ruling
BP spill hastened erosion, study says

A Palestinian Village Tries to Protect a Terraced Ancient Wonder of Agriculture
With No Vote, Taxpayers Stuck With Tab on Bonds
Union Panel Urges Approval of Lockheed Contract
CAW's chief to be 'open-minded' on profit sharing

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Rio ends with corporate power warning
Rio+20 Earth Summit: campaigners decry final document

Raul Castro at Rio+20: 'We must make a momentous change'

Canada, US, and Vatican unite against human rights at Rio+20

Saunders Wins AFSCME Presidential Election, But Big Questions Remain

Nuclear Power Workers Vote Down Contract As Safety Questions Mount

Can SEIU Help Vermonters Win Single Payer?
Union accepts Kruger bid to salvage Corner Brook mill

Students protest calmly in Montreal, Quebec City

Enbridge staff ignored warnings in Kalamazoo River spill

B.C. public-sector job action closer after talks fail

Walmart supplier accused of abuses
Vestas abandons plans for Sheerness wind turbine factory
IRA Ex-Commander to Shake Hands With Queen
Smoky Haze From Indonesian Fires Engulfs Southeast Asia
Mississippi’s Only Abortion Clinic at Risk as Law Nears
PM considers big cuts to benefits

Several Thousand Protest Arpaio's Tent City
BCTGM members reject Crystal Sugar's demands for a third time

Catholic Spirit workers, supporters protest outside cathedral

Scientists warn US east coast over accelerated sea level rise
3 People Missing After Trains Collide in Oklahoma

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

CNA and SEIU-UHW Battle Over Labor's Future

Public-Workers' Union Regroups After Wisconsin to Plot Comeback

New union chief to face war over benefits

AFSCME Challenger Alice Goff on Politicians, Concessions, and Defending Public Workers

Lee’s agreement with 26 labor groups follows tense negotiations

Piggly Wiggly in Sheboygan to close amid labor dispute

Workers at SLU Hospital, Des Peres Hospital form union

Dancers' Alliance Wins First Pact for Video Performers

Tell Change.org to Stop Supporting Union-Busters Like Stand for Children

Older Workers Confront Cold New World in Harsh Job Market

Black Lung Plagues Surface Miners, New Study Shows

At Rio+20: Values versus prices

Ford salaried staff strikes in England over cutbacks

Average Canadian family income unchanged in 2010

Environmental activists 'being killed at rate of two a week'
Rio+20 negotiators accused of strong-arm tactics
TSA tentatively okays private screeners

As Wages Fall, Overqualified Workers Feel Inflation’s Toll
American Children, Now Struggling to Adjust to Life in Mexico
Silenced Mich. Lawmaker Does 'Vagina Monologues'

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

How Can Labor Combat Obama's Secret 'NAFTA of the Pacific'?
Research lakes shutdown will be costly, scientists argue

Albertans reminded to stay off oil-contaminated lake

Spanish miners clash with police

Carbon storage 'may cause small earthquakes'

Japan nuclear restart gets PM's approval
Obama Acknowledges U.S. Is Fighting Groups in Somalia and Yemen
China to Investigate Death of Labor Activist
Obama to Permit Young Migrants to Remain in U.S.
In Health Care Ruling, Vast Implications for Medicaid
Workers Point Finger at Their Own Agency Amid a Backlog in Veterans’ Benefits
Lockheed Is Replacing Strikers at Fighter Plane Plant
Locked-out Crystal Sugar workers schedule another contract vote

Archdiocese strips Catholic Spirit workers of their union contract

Air Canada offer to ground crews OK'd by arbitrator

French Socialists win majority
Alabama law casts a long shadow

Supporters of Bailout Claim Victory in Greek Election
Thousands March Silently To Protest Stop-and-Frisk Policies
American Rights at Work, Jobs with Justice Announce Merger

California Hospitals, with Help From UHW-SEIU, Launch New Attack on Ratio Law

Mexico's 'maquiladora' labor system keeps workers in poverty

Italian workers mass to protest Monti cuts, reform

Union members arrested during protest at Atlantic City's Tropicana

Senate Democrats Block Funding for Guest Worker Protection Rule