Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Union walkout cripples ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach
Longshoremen exercise right to refuse to cross anti-outsourcing picket line

Talks to Resume in LA-Long Beach Harbors Strike

With Day of Protests, Fast-Food Workers Seek More Pay
Fast-food workers say 'no' to raw deal

New York fast food workers strike over low wages

New York Fast Food Workers Walk Off the Job

Labor Board Deals Blow to Fired Immigrant Strikers in Wisconsin

Burning All the Carbon Will Burn Us All

Ice sheets melting at poles faster than before

Allison Transmission workers approve labor contracts

Spain's Iberia workers to strike before Christmas

Hot and Crusty Workers Win Contract and Hiring Hall
Hostess Asks $1.8 Million in Bonuses for Those Who Wrecked Company

Michigan Working Families Rally Against 'Right to Work' for Less Proposal

Nurses bring U.S. support for Robin Hood tax to global union movement

High school teachers' contract agreement in limbo

Ford workers laid off in Windsor offered Oakville jobs

Ontario will use legislative 'tools' if teachers strike

Eurozone jobless rate at new high

Arizona sued over denied state IDs
Canada in asylum crackdown
Complaints Aside, Most Face Lower Tax Burden Than in 1980
Menard to Fly Wis. Workers In to Staff ND Store
Sewage Flows After Storm Expose Flaws in System

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

UN climate scientist: Sandy no coincidence
Climate Change Threatens to Create a Second Dust Bowl
Permafrost Melts While Government Negotiations Stall
The unequal pain of climate change in Europe

Obama fails first climate test
US coastal cities in danger as sea levels rise faster than expected
Campaigners sue EPA over carbon emissions

Bangladesh fire tragedy far too common
Bangladeshi Garment Workers Rally for Union Rights after Deadly Fire
Disney, Sears used factory in deadly Bangladesh fire

Wal-Mart's strategy of deniability for workers' safety
Former baseball union head Miller dead at 95

Chile Escondida copper mine union agrees to early labor talks

The Campaign Against the Rand Formula

Fire Kills 14 in Workshop for Disabled People

Rob Ford apologizes for actions in conflict case

Winnipeg media chided for taking Ikea freebies

Tenants, group push for rent control

Nobel laureates call for Israel boycott
Siberia's pesticide dumps may prove a bigger hazard than nuclear waste
Now Touring, the Debt Duo, Simpson-Bowles
Portuguese Join Europe’s Chorus of Discontent
Italy Government Faces Test as Steel Plant Says Ruling Would Force It to Close

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26 News Updates Resume

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Thousands demonstrate in Bangladesh after deadly blaze
Fatal Fire Highlights the Dangers Facing Garment Workers *

Will US role at climate talks change after storm?

Doha climate talks: what to expect

UN to launch new round of talks on global warming

Walmart strikes result in arrests as store claims Black Friday sales success

Drug companies’ influence over research grows
Swallowing Rain Forest, Cities Surge in Amazon
Benefits Fight Brings Lesbian Couple to High Court
Ikea 'regrets' forced labour use

Breast cancer risks on the job a 'neglected area'

Solar storm as desert plan to power Europe falters

White House march revives Keystone XL protest movement

Cuban transsexual elected to public office

Dead Woman Working: Thankful for Cancer Struggle

10,000 London Students Back in Streets to Mark Anniversary

High school teachers cut tentative deal with Thunder Bay board

Death metal: tin mining in Indonesia

Pipeline Protest Draws Pepper Spray From Deputies

Cost-Cutting Cited in Loose Plane Seats
Fundraiser Monday evening for locked-out Crystal Sugar workers

Tentative agreement reached at Rainbow Foods

On Black Friday, hundreds protest outside Walmart in St. Paul

Rights group investigates Canadian-owned mine in Mexico

First gas tanker crosses Arctic

With Ban on Drilling Practice, Town Lands in Thick of Dispute
Early Push for Sales Undercuts Black Friday

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

EU workers in austerity protests
Anti-austerity strikes sweep southern Europe
Greek Mayors Rebel Against Public Layoffs

Europe hit by anti-austerity strikes
Workers in Southern Europe Synchronize Anti-Austerity Strikes

Persistent pay gap confronts women, KC research confirms

Mexican Congress OKs biggest labor shake-up in decades

Still no power for 84,000 in New York, New Jersey

Unions Hoping for Comeback: Obama 'Owes Them Big Time'

Lufthansa, crew said to reach labor compromise

Union pickets Peckham over unfair labor practices, wages

Union workers plan protest at warehouse

Palermo Villa union advocates tour Midwest

Ignored on campaign, global warming talk heats up
Undersea Gas Leaks Discovered Off Israel's Coast
Poor nations dismayed by looming climate aid gap
New Zealand won't sign 'Kyoto 2' climate treaty
Obama, labor leaders meet to discuss 'fiscal cliff'
Union leaders start planning future priorities

How Chicago Teachers Got Organized to Strike
Toxic substance found in snow near tarsands

Food fight, fires in wake of extended teacher work to rule action

Walter Reed janitors, union to rally

Virginia Tries to Circumvent Obama on Drilling

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November 13 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Catching up after holiday weekend:

Hostess Closing Bakeries as Workers Won't Cross Lines
The South Africa Strike Wave and New Workers' Organisations

Deadly Sherbrooke blast's cause still unknown

Coney Island recovery far from over
City threatens defamation lawsuit over CUPE ad

Behind New York Gas Lines, Warnings and Crossed Fingers
Several hundred attend pro-choice rally in Belfast

As Coal Boosts Mozambique, the Rural Poor Are Left Behind
Machinists Union Approves New Bombardier Contract
Ontario secondary teachers to start job action

Wave of Evictions Leads to Homeless Crisis in Spain
Immelt, Cote Among CEOs to Meet with President on Wednesday

SAS to cut 40% of workers to 'save' airline

Raley's strike: Negotiations are back on

Universal Stainless, union agree to five year labor pact

Geneva teachers file unfair labor practice charge

Civil Rights Orgs File Complaint Over New York’s High Stakes Tests

Nurses Beat Back Concessions at Site of Beyoncé Baby Birth

Ecuador’s president responds to ‘leftist’ critics
Miners from Spike TV Reality Show Vote for UMWA

Poll Shows Americans Reject 'Grand Bargain' Cuts to Social Security and Medicare

Strikers Win Long Battle for Justice

Sutter, HCA Nurses to Strike November 20

Chancellor Faces Angry Protests in Portugal

1 in 10 University of Ottawa students uses food bank

US can become world's biggest oil producer in a decade, says IEA
2 million stand to lose unemployment benefits

More women have driver's licenses than men in U.S

Labor Leaders Have Obama’s Back, and Are Ready to Help

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Silent Partner Keeps Lame Duck Afloat

Silent Partner Keeps Lame Duck Afloat
by Bill Onasch

November 7, 2012

Even with a lower voter turnout than 2008, or 2004 for that matter, and winning only a relatively narrow plurality in popular votes, President Obama’s showing in electoral votes was commanding. He becomes only the second Democrat President in the postwar era to win a second term.

The vacuous, often vicious political ads run by both sides that dominated our television were undoubtedly more annoying than persuasive. Some pundits attribute the incumbent’s victory to growing confidence in economic recovery--but opinion polls don’t support that wishful thinking.

More important was the sophisticated electoral metric methods used by Team Obama to construct an achievable model of an Electoral College majority--and then relentlessly focus on assembling it.

This Money Ball approach requires a voter turnout machine in targeted “battlegrounds” that can only be realized through grass root volunteer networks.  The media has noted how the loony right undertones of the Republican campaign galvanized women’s, civil rights, and immigrant rights movements who shrugged off their bitter disappointment with the current administration to mobilize in the precincts.

But mostly ignored by both the President’s team and the mainstream media was the indispensable contribution of the union movement. Obama could not have been elected in 2008 without them and they played an even more crucial role in his victory this time. Without the hundreds of millions of union dollars, and especially the tens of thousands of member volunteers getting out the vote in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Colorado, and Nevada, America would be getting a new President in January.

This cold shoulder is neither new nor surprising. The President issued a twenty-page position paper shortly before the election detailing his platitude-laden plan for rebuilding the Middle Class. There was not a single mention of any role unions might play in this resurrection. His references to unions in his stump speeches were as frequent as his warnings about global warming.

The labor statespersons commanding our unions are content to be the silent partners of their friend getting four more years in the White House. But that description is only half correct. The President grants them only the right to remain silent.

In his lame duck term, the President will be free to pursue his goal of a grand compromise with the evil Republicans just vanquished by labor’s herculean efforts. Whether there is some crow those living off scraps from the White House table will not eat will soon be tested as the attacks on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,  public education, and much more escalate.

We’re not optimistic about these coming test results. Their track record reminds us of how John L Lewis characterized the mainstream union movement of an earlier time–lions being led by asses.

If you are in the Kansas City area, I invite you to a meeting beginning at Noon this Sunday, November 11, where there will not only be a discussion of the meaning of the election results but also, more importantly, action taken to relaunch Labor Party Advocates in Kansas City. Whether you are a union member of not, we hope you will join us in promoting the need for a working class party to defend our side in the face of growing attacks.

For more information about the Sunday meeting call me at 816-753-1672.

November 7 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Obama Wins New Term as Electoral Advantage Holds *
Turnout was lower than 2008

Gay marriage approved by popular votes for first time

Cover-up claims over SA massacre

Greek workers strike on second day

Emanuel touts CTA contract with maintenance, construction workers

Hurricane Sandy: An unnatural disaster

Sit-In Tells Rahm Emanuel: Stop Closing Chicago Schools
Ontario secondary teachers will delay job action

Motive Unclear in Shooting at Calif. Chicken Plant
As Crane Hung in the Sky, a Drama Unfolded

Monday, November 5, 2012

November 5 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Officials warn of new Sandy crisis
Scale of Sandy's destruction hits home in U.S. northeast

For Some After the Storm, No Work Means No Pay
After Getting Back to Normal, Big Job Is Facing New Reality
Engineers’ Warnings in 2009 Detailed Storm Surge Threat to the Region

Greece makes austerity push, workers gear for strike

Quebec Student Leader Convicted in Outrageous Political Trial

Chicago's Emanuel faces new clash with teachers on school closings

Raley's workers picket over benefits

Chile welcomes back Allende family
Pennsylvania Report Left Out Data on Poisons in Water Near Gas Site
Brighter Prospects -- For Cheap Labour

N.S. container port triples volume in wake of Sandy

Saskatchewan government to introduce new night shift rules

UK teachers paid by offshore firm

Obama and the paradox behind his African American base

Fractured Recovery Divides the Region
Fight Intensifies Over NW Coal Exports
Radioactive Water Threatens Middle East
New problems found at XL Foods plant, says CFIA

Protest condemns Harper government immigration policies

West Quebec school bus strike averted

Alaska storms could be linked to loss of Arctic sea ice

S Korea shuts nuclear reactors

Apple paid less than 2% tax overseas
Prop 37: food companies spend $45m to defeat California GM label bill
Italy looks to boost crude oil production by 150% in energy policy shakeup
Middle class faces rapid ‘cliff’ hit

S. Africa party that ended apartheid loses appeal

‘Million Puppet March’ fights for PBS

Outrage in Texas After Airborne Police Sharpshooter Kills 2
Unions Recruit New Allies for Obama in Battleground States