Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 28 Week In Review Now Online

You can view the latest WIR by clicking here

May 29 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Government Repression of Quebec Student Movement Sparks Massive Protests
Quebec students, government back to the table Monday

Casserole pan-demonium in Quebec

Quebec students challenge Bill 78 in court

Quebec student spokesman a divisive figure among tuition-fee protesters

Canadian Pacific strikers face back-to-work legislation

Workers at CP Get Railroaded

U.S. Winds Down Longer Benefits for the Unemployed
Quebec Steelworkers Face Mining Pariah

G8 food alliance won’t help farmers or end hunger

Employment Insurance review boards to be scrapped

Teamsters trying to organize parkway truckers
Bonn climate talks end in discord and disappointment
Manning lawyer: evidence withheld
Hollywood a longtime friend of the CIA

Retirees may find they don't qualify to refinance their mortgages

Spent Fuel Rods Drive Growing Fear Over Plant in Japan
Postal Service Offers Buyouts to 45,000 Mail Handlers
Teachers in autumn strike threats

Labor Board Member Resigns Over Leak to G.O.P. Allies
Fukushima radiation found in tuna

Amazon in danger as Brazil moves forward with bill

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Quebec's 'truncheon law' rebounds as student strike spreads
Quebec faces mounting pressure amid student crisis

31st night protest in Montreal

VW workers eye higher pay rise than IG Metall union

Union cites seaport in complaint with NLRB

Workers at eight metro hospitals ratify new contract

Chicago Schools Showdown Galvanizes Teachers
Workers' EI history to affect claim under new rules

Seasonal workers anxious about changes to EI system

Canadian Pacific union dismisses threat of more layoffs

Firefighters describe hostile workplace in Prince Albert

Good jobs, pensions 'our rights,' CUPE says

Scottish 'Yes' campaign to launch

If President Rousseff passes the forest code, it won't be only Brazil that suffers
Climate scientists say warming could exceed 3.5 C
150,000 more US heat deaths projected by 2100
UN climate talks 'stalled', Kyoto architect tells AFP
The Battle of the Overpass, at 75
Mexico student protests cause election stir

Legislation may enable states to offer universal healthcare

Amazon says it will improve warehouse conditions

Battle Brewing Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food
Romney Off on Obama's Love for Unions
Painter Dies in Fall From Upper East Side Window
A Mining Rush in the Upper Peninsula
We will observe the Memorial Day holiday Monday. Next update will be Tuesday, May 29

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Labor Notes Conference Report

A report on the recent Labor Notes Conference by Bill Onasch has been posted on the KC Labor site and can be viewed by clicking here.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9 News Update

Each Monday-Friday, by 9AM Central, we’ll post links to news stories and analytical articles of interest to working people. Sometimes they will be accompanied by editorial commentary. Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Back from attending the Labor Notes Conference, we resume our regular schedule today. A report on the LN gathering will be posted soon.

Blacks in South L.A. have a bleaker jobs picture than in 1992
Reversal on child farm-labor rules draws fire

Life spans in much of U.S. compare with those in poorest nations

Protests across US as activists and unions link up
Activist with keen interest in IRA and a passion for humanity

$7.7B clean-up bill for contaminated federal sites

Ex-Westray miner calls for law crackdown to protect workers

B.C.'s privatization of seniors' care raises concerns

Fallen bridge worker's son breaks silence for safety's sake

London mayor: Boris Johnson wins second term by tight margin

Heartland Institute compares belief in global warming to mass murder

EPA scientist who warned of caustic dust from Ground Zero wins job back

Bangladeshi workers risk lives in shipbreaking yards
Where is the best place to be a mother? Not the U.S.

Cuba’s Fortresses Against a Viral Foe
An Old Texas Tale Retold: the Farmer vs. the Oil Company
US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,834
Exiled Mexican Union Leader Wins Standoff With Govt. After Court Decision

Workers schedule strike vote, question banks’ involvement with Twin Cities hospitals

Celebrating May Day, in New and Old Ways

Defiant Quebec Students Reject Shabby Government Offer

No regulatory framework in place to curb greenhouse gas emissions