Protesters fill Wisconsin Capitol after right-to-work hearing abruptly ends
Union members protest Wisc right-to-work bill ahead of likely passage
anti-union bill is 'word for word' from rightwing lobbyist
About 2000 rally against right-to-work in Wisconsin
Union workers, supporters rally at Capitol

Defying GOP, Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline bill
Diverse Group Sends Letter To President Supporting Veto Of Keystone
Nurses Welcome Veto of Keystone XL Pipeline Bill
Proving That 'Activism Works,' Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill
To stop Big Oil, environmentalists need labor unions
Obama Vetoes Bill Pushing Pipeline Approval *

The Alternative in Greece
ANTARSYA on deal between Brussels-Greek Government
Union chief says U.S. refinery strike could spread
Fukushima operator finds new source of radiation leak into sea
Train hits truck at LA-area crossing, 50 hurt
Stand-by scheduling creates problems for many workers
Leaked Spy Cables: Intelligence agencies target Greenpeace
School Custodians, Maintenance, Groundskeepers Win Large Wage Increase
50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
As contracts for 5M workers expire, labor hopes to boost more
Chicago's Emanuel faces runoff in April
Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran
Spy agency monitors millions of Canadian emails to government
Minimum Wage for New York City’s Tipped Workers to $7.50 *
About 2000 rally against right-to-work in Wisconsin
Union workers, supporters rally at Capitol

Defying GOP, Obama vetoes Keystone XL pipeline bill
Diverse Group Sends Letter To President Supporting Veto Of Keystone
Nurses Welcome Veto of Keystone XL Pipeline Bill
Proving That 'Activism Works,' Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill
To stop Big Oil, environmentalists need labor unions
Obama Vetoes Bill Pushing Pipeline Approval *

The Alternative in Greece
ANTARSYA on deal between Brussels-Greek Government
Union chief says U.S. refinery strike could spread
Fukushima operator finds new source of radiation leak into sea
Train hits truck at LA-area crossing, 50 hurt
Stand-by scheduling creates problems for many workers
Leaked Spy Cables: Intelligence agencies target Greenpeace
School Custodians, Maintenance, Groundskeepers Win Large Wage Increase
50 Years Of Shrinking Union Membership, In One Map
As contracts for 5M workers expire, labor hopes to boost more
Chicago's Emanuel faces runoff in April
Mossad contradicted Netanyahu on Iran
Spy agency monitors millions of Canadian emails to government
Minimum Wage for New York City’s Tipped Workers to $7.50 *
Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.
We take a closer look at news stories in our companion Week In Review blog, hosted at: KC Labor at WordPress
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