Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 31 News Update

Harvey Didn’t Come Out of the Blue
'Grim Preview' of Pain Caused by Trump’s Climate Denial
Harvey Triggers 'Unbearable' Pollution
Oil refineries shut down as Harvey floods fuel contamination fears
In an era of unwelcome climate records Hurricane Harvey won't be the last
Port Arthur Faces Harvey Flooding Disaster *
A Storm Forces Houston, the Limitless City, to Consider Its Limits *
Harvey Victims Face Hurdles, and Maybe Bills, in Getting Aid *
South Asia floods: 1,200 death toll will rise as Mumbai building collapses
Canadian Town, Isolated After Losing Rail Link, ‘Feels Held Hostage’ *

Labor Day actions planned to support $15 wage, paid leave

San Diego County's biggest union announces strike date
7,300 Riverside County workers announces strike plans
Labor Movie Night presents 'Plutocracy: Political Repression in the USA'
Concession Fatigue in Connecticut
White House stops plan for companies to report pay by race and gender
Federal Judge Blocks Texas’ Ban on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ *   
Why All Americans Need Strong Labor Unions
Airline contractors at PHL agree to bargain with passenger service workers
Labor Union Approval Best Since 2003, at 61%
Without unions, our middle class is vanishing
How to Get Rich in Trump’s Washington *
At Starbucks, maternity leave depends on whether you're a barista or a boss
Rightwing alliance plots assault to 'defund and defang' America's unions

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

August 24 News Update

Capitalism puts profits first, an ecological society will serve humanity    
From Abused Heart of Coal Country, Warnings, Lessons On Next Steps
Another US agency deletes references to climate change on government website
Parts of National Monument in Utah May Lose Protection *

McDonald’s workers are demanding wages of £10 an hour.
McDonald's workers to coordinate strike with allies around world

San Francisco Dockers Call Strike to Confront White Nationalist Rally
Painters Union Fights to Free Member from Immigration Jail
The Bourgeoisie Begins to Abandon Trump
Catalonia: The Referendum and its Previous Lives
Argentine Trade Unions March Against Macri’s Neoliberal Reforms
Local unions, schools are trying to head off a trade-worker jobs crisis
UAW's loss at Nissan masks genuine progress for organized labor
New GM Korea head to meet with labor union
Science envoy resigns over Trump – with a letter spelling out 'impeach'
Ex-intelligence chief: Trump's access to nuclear codes is 'pretty damn scary'
This merger would threaten food supplies around the world. Who will stop it?
From Jackson Hole to the Teton Heights?
Trump Warns of Shutdown if Border Wall Isn’t Funded *
Blacks and Hispanics Are Still Underrepresented in Top Colleges *
Rabbis to Boycott Conference Call in Protest of President *
Student Loan Company Accused of Mismanaging Debt Forgiveness Program *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16 News Update

Suniva Solar Tariff Case Could Throttle a Thriving Industry
States Are Using Social Cost of Carbon in Energy Decisions
As Hilcorp Plans to Drill in Arctic Waters, a Trail of Violations Surfaces
Korean Unions Call for a Just Energy Transition
The root of the climate crisis is capitalism, not demographics
Trump Signs Order Rolling Back Environmental Rules on Infrastructure *

Renter Week of Action and Political Education

An Injury to One is an Injury to All!
Trump reverts to blaming both sides including 'very, very violent alt-left'
LeBron James: 'so-called president' Trump has made hate fashionable
Diversity is the great rightwing scapegoat for working-class woes
Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost *
When Jack Daniel’s Failed to Honor a Slave, an Author Rewrote History *
Holocaust Memorial in Boston Is Vandalized for Second Time This Summer *

State employees ratify new, two-year contracts
Hundreds attend ceremony honoring Capitol construction workers
Priority for U.S. Socialist Movement? Single-Payer Healthcare
RBS plans to cut 880 IT jobs by 2020, UK labor union says
The 1997 UPS Strike: Beating Big Business & Business Unionism
Twenty years after the Asian financial crisis
False promises: Trump and the revitalization of the US economy
Chomsky, Pilger slam Trump threats against Venezuela
Trump healthcare subsidy cut would raise premiums by 20%, CBO says
US government demands details on all visitors to anti-Trump protest website
Two-stage Brexit strategy derided by UK and EU politicians
5 Years After 34 South African Miners Shot Dead, No Arrests *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Monday, August 14, 2017

August 14 News Update

Climate scientists continue to sound the alarm
Pruitt Is Carrying Out E.P.A. Agenda in Secret, Critics Say *
Powered by Wind, Sun and Volcanoes *
Portugal Forest Fires Worsen, Fed by Poor Choices and Inaction *
Washington state utility's nuclear waste shipments suspended
New Orleans Scrambles to Repair Drainage System After Severe Flooding *
Scientists discover 91 volcanoes below Antarctic ice sheet
Border Wall Already Threatening Wildlife Along Rio Grande *

Charlottesville rally turns deadly: Build unity to smash fascism!
A Working-Class Strategy for Defeating White Supremacy
Woman killed at Charlottesville far-right rally was civil rights activist
Charlottesville Violence Highlights Worsening Race Relations in U.S.
DSA Statement on Nazi Violence in Charlottesville
The Sounds of Fists Pounding on Flesh *
Far-Right Groups Blaze Into National View in Charlottesville *

UAW to contest election loss at Nissan
Why Did Nissan Workers Vote No?
Danny Glover and Bernie Sanders seek France's help after Nissan union vote

US military says 2 American soldiers killed in Iraq
Unions Claim 300k Signers to Force Vote on R-t-W
Dutch Family Farms Teeter as a Recall of Tainted Eggs Widens *
30 Children Die in Indian Hospital; Critics Cite Oxygen Shortage *
Trump threatens 'military option' in Venezuela
Teamsters Union Tries to Slow Self-Driving Truck Push *
County's biggest union votes to allow strike
Steel and Solidarity in Granite City    
October and its Relevance
The Incredible Shrinking Sears *
Samantha Bee, the new heroine of American political satire
Barcelona airport crisis worsens as security staff plan 24-hour strike
Insurers Get More Time to Calculate Increases for 2018 *
Foreign Farmworkers in Canada Fear Deportation if They Complain *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

There's No White Nation
by Bill Onasch

Most of the mainstream media refer to the deadly “protests” in Charlottesville, Virginia as the work of “White Nationalists.” This is not only inaccurate. It is an illusion that offers some legitimacy to a movement of neo-fascist scum.

My pale skin shares the same lack of pigment as those shouting anti-Black and anti-Semitic epithets in Virginia. But that's all we have in common. Unlike the descendants of those brought to this country as slaves there is no basis for a “white nation.”

The incessant right-wing attacks led by Fox news on “multi-culturalism,” “political correctness,” affirmative action, and sanctuary cities, now prevail as policy in the White House and Congress. They may be embarrassed by what has crawled out from the rocks they have overturned. Their attempts to keep the working class majority divided have put wind in the sails of fascism--a risky proposition they don't yet need.

But because they want to keep that option in reserve, they resist calling violent bigots by their proper names. Instead, like Trump, they reject violence “by all sides.” For him, there is no difference between the groups promoting Charlottesville as part of a “Summer of Hate,” and those targeted by the haters.

The purveyors of anti-Black, anti-Jewish, and anti-immigrant hatred in Virginia included those with Nazi banners and tats. Some wore SS-style helmets and one contingent carried rifles.

The multi-color, multicultural counter-protesters first gathered at a church where they were urged by Cornel West to go “bearing witness to love and justice in the face of white supremacy.” They carried no weapons but defended themselves in scuffles. Only after police dispersed the crowds did a cowardly white hater drive a Dodge Challenger at speed in to a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one, injuring dozens.

While people of color, Jews, and immigrants are the focus of the white supremacist embrace of fascism we know from history that suppression of the entire working class is their ultimate goal. The labor movement motto of An Injury to One is an Attack on All is the needed response in Virginia and everywhere else.

Friday, August 11, 2017

August 11 Week In Review Now Online

You can view the new WIR here

August 11 News Update

Alaskan towns at risk from rising seas sound alarm
Report shows climate records set in 2016. Yes, the world is warming!
Iraq sends workers home as 'ungodly' heat grips Middle East
Students, Cities and States Take the Climate Fight to Court *
North Korea Aside, Guam Faces Another Threat: Climate Change *

The last time the US launched ’fire and fury’ a third of North Korea died
On the beach 2017

London tower blocks residents ordered out over gas safety fears
Small fraction of Grenfell donations given to victims, regulator reveals
Outsourcing is killing local democracy in Britain. Here’s how we can stop that
Over 170 years after Engels, Britain is still a country that murders its poor
Dayton teachers are ready for a showdown

Descendants of Capitol builders gather for Sunday commemoration
With Nike Up to Old Tricks, Students and Workers Launch Global Protests
Labor union files complaint against owner of Loews Santa Monica
Latest on Goodyear contract for Fayetteville workers
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Don’t Tell Colin Kaepernick to 'Stick to Sports'
Jeremy Corbyn back in campaigning mode in Cornwall
Controversial film about last tsar approved for release in Russia
Wisconsin Isn’t So Sure It Wants Those 13,000 Factory Jobs *
Another Subway Woe: Cuomo Says Power Distribution Must be Overhauled *
Who Owns Anbang of China? A U.S. Labor Union Wants to Know. *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.