Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28 News Update

What Keeps Puerto Rico’s Governor Awake at Night *
It’s Been an ‘Amazing’ Aid Effort, if Trump Does Say So Himself *
Pummeled Twice, Virgin Islands Take Stock of What’s Left *
Minnesotans urged to support relief for Puerto Rico
E.P.A. Threatens to Stop Funding Justice Dept. Environmental Work *
Trump Wants to Repeal Obama’s Climate Plan. The Next Fight: Its Replacement *

Catalan leaders compare Spain to North Korea after referendum sites blocked

Trying to stop Catalonia’s referendum, they’ve sparked something much bigger
Barcelona Dockworkers Refuse to Operate Police Ship

Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades *
Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump *

Six Charts That Help Explain the Republican Tax Plan *
Once-Mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Peep at Tax Cut Plan *
Trump's Tax Reform

Jeremy Corbyn: neoliberalism is broken and we are now the centre ground

GE and union workers in Erie were never close to agreement
Mayor Stays Silent On Spike in Latino Construction Deaths
South African Labor Unions Target Zuma in Anti-Graft Strike
Mayor backs unionized hotel workers in contract dispute
Valley Metro union eyes workforce at non-union RADAR

How Anti-Sweatshop Activists and Unions Made Severance Pay Mandatory
NFL player protests deepen solidarity
North Korea prisoner Otto Warmbier had no signs of torture – coroner
Revolutionary road: on the trail of Che Guevara’s last days in Bolivia
More than 92% of voters in Iraqi Kurdistan back independence

IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than in the U.S. *
Trump’s Widening Trade War Finds a Soft Target: Canada *
Why Aren’t Paychecks Growing? A Burger-Joint Clause Offers a Clue *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27 News Update

Puerto Rico’s Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria *
Trump warned: send help or risk making Puerto Rico crisis 'your Katrina'
National park ban saved 2m plastic bottles – and still Trump reversed it
UK could rescue energy efficient homes policy with few key steps
U.S. Climate Change Policy: Made in California *
E.P.A. to Spend Nearly $25,000 on a Soundproof Booth for Pruitt *

Naomi Klein: Trump's like the fatberg – horrible, noxious, hard to dislodge
Corbyn's message to May: 'Pull yourself together or make way'
'Like night and day': Labour smiles push last year's tensions aside

Will a Corporate Tax Holiday Give Workers Anything to Cheer? *
Trump Proposal Cuts Taxes for Companies and Individuals *

Spain to deploy police to prevent Catalan independence vote
Supreme Court opens its new term with a direct attack on workers’ rights
Union Plans to Sue Big Pharmaceutical Over Opioid Crisis
Atlas Air Worldwide Accuses Pilots' Union of Work Slowdown
Trump NLRB Nominee Helped Reagan Bust PATCO
The Fragile, Toxic Masculinity of Donald Trump
Time for $15 wage in St. Paul, advocates say
Senate Republicans admit defeat in latest effort to repeal Affordable Care Act
Gay bans and praise for Putin: the world according to Senate hopeful Moore
Uber threatens to leave Quebec in protest at new rules for drivers
Northern Ireland jobs at risk as Bombardier jets hit by huge US trade tariff
France Backs Siemens-Alstom Rail Deal Despite Job Fears

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 26 Week In Review Now Online

You can view the new WIR here

September 26 News Update

Memo to Jacobin: Ecomodernism is not ecosocialism
Calls for More Relief Intensify as Puerto Rico Descends Into Humanitarian Crisis
Sixth mass extinction of wildlife also threatens global food supplies

Workers Celebrate as Target Announces $15 Minimum Wage
French unions block fuel depots in protest against labor reforms
In Mexico, $2 per hour workers make $40,000 SUVs
Wal-Mart's holiday gift to employees: More hours of work
Chicago honors labor hero Dolores Huerta through art
U.S. Senate tips labor board to Republican majority
New deal brings the voice actors' union strike to a (tentative) end
Big Business, Political Allies Look to Turn Hurricane Crises to Their Advantage
The Rohingya, the Burmese regime and the geopolitical stakes
Breakthrough of the extreme right; Spectacular losses of CDU / CSU and SPD
Intentional Neglect or Callous Oversight?
Catalonia referendum: Resisting the Spanish government siege
Republican plan to defeat Obamacare looks doomed as Collins says no
LeBron James joins NFL in hitting back at Trump: 'The people run this country'
Protest and patriotism: a visit to the original star-spangled banner
Labour calls for £500m emergency injection for NHS
A Piece of Obama’s Post-Presidential Life: Sandwiches and Speeches *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25 News Update

We Charted Arctic Sea Ice Every Day Since 1979. You’ll See a Trend. *
Activists in B.C gear up for ’the next Standing Rock’
Union values shine in the midst of Harvey
Devastated Puerto Rico Tests Fairness of Response to Climate Disasters
EPA asked Heartland for experts who question climate science
Hurricane’s Impact: ‘There Will Be No Food in Puerto Rico’ *

Merkel Lands Fourth Term, But at What Cost?

Catalonia Referendum
4th International: Defend the right to self-determination in Catalonia!
Catalonia Referendum: Resisting the Spanish Government Siege
Quebec in Solidarity with Catalonia
‘We can provide a politics of hope, a politics for the people’
Labour to pledge help for millions trapped by credit card debt
Five to watch: the key players on Jeremy Corbyn’s frontbench
Momentum building in Brighton as grassroots group goes mainstream

NFL players kneel for anthem in unprecedented defiance of Trump

Bath Iron Works, Labor Union Reach Agreement
More unions jump on single-payer caravan
Trump travel ban extended to blocks on North Korea and Chad
The day nine young students shattered racial segregation in US schools
Union workers confront Arizona Industrial Commission over penalty reductions
Union collaboration a success for VICE media campaign
Budget Bus Lines Flout the Rules With Little Consequence *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20 News Update

Where is Hurricane Maria heading? Mapping the path of destruction
Puerto Rico braces itself for 'worst atmospheric event in a century'
As Hurricane Maria Nears, Puerto Rico Braces for Direct Hit *
Maria Does ‘Mind-Boggling’ Damage to Island of Dominica *
Chemical Industry Ally Faces Critics in Bid for Top E.P.A. Post *

Union officials accuse Bath Iron Works of unfair labor practices
Induction of union-busting Reagan into Labor’s Hall of Honor shocks union
NMB nominees and labor talks advance
Rally for Striking Spectrum Workers Draws Crowd in NYC
Trump Stacks Labor Department with Friends of Big Business
Pension workers strike for their pensions
NLRB Ditches Effort To Expand Weingarten Rights to Non-Union Workplaces
Documentary to chronicle CTUL worker center
310,567 Signatures Block 'Right to Work' in Missouri
How the UAW lost at Nissan
Workers’ Comp is a Right!
Three Democratic congressmen arrested at Trump tower Daca protests
Annotated guide to Donald Trump's UN speech
Labour NEC paves way for potential leftwing leadership candidates
A victory against casualisation at London University
Autobahn row hits German election: 'we're selling it off like a second-hand car'
When Will Black Lives Matter in St. Louis? *
Undercover With the Alt-Right *
G.O.P. Leaders Defy Bipartisan Calls to Reject Health Bill *
Senate Republicans Embrace Plan for $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut *
Before Wisconsin, Foxconn Vowed Big Spending in Brazil. Few Jobs Have Come. *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Monday, September 18, 2017

September 18 Week In Review Now Online

You can view the new WIR here

September 18 News Update

Herwig G. Schutzler (relief map) New York Times
As Wildfires Burn in West, Ash Rides Wind High Across U.S. *
This Season, Western Wildfires Are Close By and Running Free *
British Press Watchdog Says Climate Change Article Was Faulty *
How Hurricane Harvey Is Affecting Houston’s Restaurant Employees
Disney unions ask theme park to pay lost wages after Hurricane Irma
California Lawmakers Fail to Approve 100 Percent Renewable Energy Goal
Trump Administration Moves to Open Arctic Refuge to Drilling Studies *
The E.P.A. Is Being Used to Prop Up Big Coal *

West Virginia's Top Court Clears 'Right-to-Work' Law
Trump group wages war on the right to vote
Union pickets over contract dispute at Hilton Albany Hotel
How Big Business Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food *
Bump in U.S. Incomes Doesn’t Erase 50 Years of Pain *
Buried Inside Bernie Sanders’s Bill: A Fallback Plan *
Kaiser Permanente IT workers to stage protest    
From 'Labor for Bernie' To 'Labor for Our Revolution'
A Brief History of Union-Run Media in Chicago
Iowa City rally highlights setbacks to immigrants and workers
Teachers union sues Florida
Union says Northwestern won't bargain, is violating labor laws
Faculty unionization on the rise in Minnesota
ILO calls for global action on workplace injuries

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Friday, September 15, 2017

September 15 News Update

Irma lands a heavy blow on Puerto Rico
Red list: ash trees and antelopes on the brink of extinction
US people of color more likely to be exposed to pollution than white people
EU report on weedkiller safety copied text from Monsanto study
Broken by Storm, St. Martin Faces Starting From Zero *
Floating Tar, Dead Fish: Oil Spill Threatens Greek Beaches *
Harrowing Storms May Move Climate Debate, if Not G.O.P. Leaders *

Harvard Hopes Trump Will Help It Undermine Unions

IBEW Union Workers Challenge the Spectrum of Corporate Greed
NSA’s Cyberwarfare Blowback
Not a duel, but a duet
Main Czech trade union calls for bigger pay hikes as economy soars
Union Fights Hartford's Layoff Of Tree Trimmers
A salute to American labor unions
Union Power Is Putting Pressure on Silicon Valley
Iowa workers and activists continue to fight for higher wages
Labor’s Southern Strategy
When the teachers turned Chicago union red
Google 'segregates' women into lower-paying jobs, lawsuit says
Poor diet is a factor in one in five deaths, global disease study reveals
Connections, community and cute-ass cats: in praise of real-life bodegas
Unions call for 3.9% pay rise plus £800 for a million NHS staff
New Scrutiny for Nursing Homes After 8 Die in Florida *
Harvard Dean Revokes Fellowship for Chelsea Manning *
Grenfell Fire Inquiry Opens Amid ‘Sense of Anger and Betrayal’ *
Subway Commute Snared by Debris, Switch Problem and Power Malfunction *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 14 News Update

Union leader discusses labor’s role in preventing climate change
Unions could get a boost from California's cap-and-trade spending proposal
Should the left build an alternative energy commons?
Eight dead in Florida nursing home that lost power during Hurricane Irma
Cudjoe Key: the Florida community that was Hurricane Irma's ground zero
Cuba's crumbling infrastructure no match for might of Irma
Asia's glaciers to shrink by a third by 2100, threatening water supply of millions
Storms May Move Climate Debate, if Not G.O.P. Leaders *

Protests over French labor overhaul grip Paris, other cities

Unions and Medicare for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Health Care Battle Resumes, With 2 Opposing Plans *

Labor unions end partnership agreement with Harley-Davidson
NWU and The Nation Sign Freelance Agreement
Unionized city workers near deal; would include higher health premiums
GM Korea’s labor-management wage talks fall through
A question of class
Treasury chief Mnuchin asked for government jet for honeymoon
Bloodstained ice axe used to kill Trotsky emerges after decades in the shadows
America's shameful history of voter suppression
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory hero 'was originally black'
May suffers humiliation as DUP backs Labour on NHS pay and tuition fees
The Grenfell residents still living in hotels: ‘This is no normal life’

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

September 13 News Update

The forests of Oregon are ravaged by the Eagle Creek fire
What caused the Eagle Creek fire?
The lessons of Katrina that haven't been learned
Unions respond to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma with help, funds
One struggle: For social justice and against climate catastrophe
Neil deGrasse Tyson Destroys Climate Change Deniers
Category 5 intensity of Irma a subject of study
How the Florida Keys' paradise became a 'humanitarian crisis'
Slow UK aid for hurricane-hit islands linked to tax haven ties
Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture

Casualization as a Social Model in France? Definitely No!
Len McCluskey: unions ready to defy law over public sector pay cap
Mechanics union rejects latest offer, auto dealership strike will continue
New York unions fight proposed workers compensation rules
Women: a strategic subject
'There Is Still Hope - Even for Me'
EU Worries Grow over U.S. Economic Chaos
The Golden Age of Private Prisons
Russia Scoops US Media on Trump Meeting Again
Uncontacted Tribe Allegedly Killed By Gold Miners In Brazil
Better jobs for mums and dads
UK Over-regulation is not the problem
Congress Passes Measure Challenging Trump to Denounce Hate Groups *
Edith Windsor, Who Fought for Same-Sex Marriage, Dies *
How Single-Payer Health Care Could Trip Up Democrats *
Splitting 5-4, Justices Put Texas Redistricting on Hold *
British Jobless Rate Falls to Lowest Since 1975 as Pay Growth Lags *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.