Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28 News Update

What Keeps Puerto Rico’s Governor Awake at Night *
It’s Been an ‘Amazing’ Aid Effort, if Trump Does Say So Himself *
Pummeled Twice, Virgin Islands Take Stock of What’s Left *
Minnesotans urged to support relief for Puerto Rico
E.P.A. Threatens to Stop Funding Justice Dept. Environmental Work *
Trump Wants to Repeal Obama’s Climate Plan. The Next Fight: Its Replacement *

Catalan leaders compare Spain to North Korea after referendum sites blocked

Trying to stop Catalonia’s referendum, they’ve sparked something much bigger
Barcelona Dockworkers Refuse to Operate Police Ship

Trump Proposes the Most Sweeping Tax Overhaul in Decades *
Trump Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy, Including Trump *

Six Charts That Help Explain the Republican Tax Plan *
Once-Mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Peep at Tax Cut Plan *
Trump's Tax Reform

Jeremy Corbyn: neoliberalism is broken and we are now the centre ground

GE and union workers in Erie were never close to agreement
Mayor Stays Silent On Spike in Latino Construction Deaths
South African Labor Unions Target Zuma in Anti-Graft Strike
Mayor backs unionized hotel workers in contract dispute
Valley Metro union eyes workforce at non-union RADAR

How Anti-Sweatshop Activists and Unions Made Severance Pay Mandatory
NFL player protests deepen solidarity
North Korea prisoner Otto Warmbier had no signs of torture – coroner
Revolutionary road: on the trail of Che Guevara’s last days in Bolivia
More than 92% of voters in Iraqi Kurdistan back independence

IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than in the U.S. *
Trump’s Widening Trade War Finds a Soft Target: Canada *
Why Aren’t Paychecks Growing? A Burger-Joint Clause Offers a Clue *

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

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