The Dirty Secret of the Paris Climate Deal
China's Panda New Energy orders electric cars from Nevs, ex-Saab, for $12 bln
Another heat record means 2015 likely to be hottest ever
Environment, not 'bad luck', mainly to blame for cancer: study
Why capitalism is addicted to oil and coal
Paris climate agreement: a terror attack on Africa
Beijing grinds to halt as second ever 'red alert' issued over severe smog
Scarred Riverbeds and Dead Pistachio Trees in a Parched Iran *

Price-hike pharma boss nabbed over fraud

Hamline adjunct faculty reach first contract settlement
19 Coal Miners Trapped in Northeast China Are Presumed Dead *
The Mitch McConnell – Patriot Coal Scandal Story that POLITICO Censored
Teamster Retirees Demand Trustees 'Stop the Rush' to Slash Pensions in Half
Flight Attendants Protest United as Holiday Travel Season Kicks into High Gear
22 Resolutions Passed at the Recent CLUW Convention
Breakthrough at Sutter – Tentative Pact for RNs
WNBA, players fire back at Arenas for 'ignorant insults'
Poland Turns Hard to Right — and Jews Wind Up in Crosshairs
Chicago schools settle federal lawsuit by pregnant teachers
Sanders wins largest union backing to date
Supervisors Reach Tentative Labor Deal With County Employees Union
Jeremy Corbyn says he opposes making EU migrants wait to receive benefits
The New Attack on Hispanic Voting Rights *
Chicago Pays Millions but Punishes Few in Killings by Police *
Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall policy allows free access to only about ten articles a month.
We take a closer look at news stories in our companion Week In Review blog, hosted at: KC Labor at WordPress
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