Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27 News Update

Puerto Rico’s Agriculture and Farmers Decimated by Maria *
Trump warned: send help or risk making Puerto Rico crisis 'your Katrina'
National park ban saved 2m plastic bottles – and still Trump reversed it
UK could rescue energy efficient homes policy with few key steps
U.S. Climate Change Policy: Made in California *
E.P.A. to Spend Nearly $25,000 on a Soundproof Booth for Pruitt *

Naomi Klein: Trump's like the fatberg – horrible, noxious, hard to dislodge
Corbyn's message to May: 'Pull yourself together or make way'
'Like night and day': Labour smiles push last year's tensions aside

Will a Corporate Tax Holiday Give Workers Anything to Cheer? *
Trump Proposal Cuts Taxes for Companies and Individuals *

Spain to deploy police to prevent Catalan independence vote
Supreme Court opens its new term with a direct attack on workers’ rights
Union Plans to Sue Big Pharmaceutical Over Opioid Crisis
Atlas Air Worldwide Accuses Pilots' Union of Work Slowdown
Trump NLRB Nominee Helped Reagan Bust PATCO
The Fragile, Toxic Masculinity of Donald Trump
Time for $15 wage in St. Paul, advocates say
Senate Republicans admit defeat in latest effort to repeal Affordable Care Act
Gay bans and praise for Putin: the world according to Senate hopeful Moore
Uber threatens to leave Quebec in protest at new rules for drivers
Northern Ireland jobs at risk as Bombardier jets hit by huge US trade tariff
France Backs Siemens-Alstom Rail Deal Despite Job Fears

Stories from the New York Times will be followed with a *. The Times pay wall polic
y allows free access to only about ten articles a month.

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